Book an appointment for delivery or collection
Izpolni obrazec / Fill out the form
S tukaj oddano rezervacijo voznik dobi prednost na okencu, tako da se čas nakladanja/razkladanja skrajša na minimum.
Prosimo, da svoje podatke vnesete čim bolj popolno, da boste lahko čim bolj učinkovito naložili/razložili blago.
Obrazec je treba izpolniti za vsako tovorno vozilo.
Obrazec mora biti potrjen 12h prej.
By making a reservation here, the driver gets priority at the counter, so that the loading/unloading time is reduced to a minimum.
Please enter your information as completely as possible so that you can load/unload the goods as efficiently as possible.
The form must be completed for each truck.
The form must be confirmed 12 hours in advance.
+386 (0)2 541 34 19 | |
Lipovci 251 a, 9231 Beltinci